Follow along!
Use JavaScript to check for empty form inputs
Follow along!
Open the index.html file in your browser and click the sumbit button.
The form doesn't submit and a bubble pops up telling us to fill in the first form field.
We want to turn off the HTML validation. Javascript gives us more options.
Open the index.html file from the folder you downloaded
Find the first form tag and add "novalidate" to the end of the attributes.
<form class="box" id="contactForm" novalidate>
Save the file and return to your browser
Refresh the page and click the submit button
Since we disabled the HTML validation, the form will submit with empty fields. To stop this we'll trap the submit event by adding to our script.js file.
Open the script.js in your text editor
Look for the following comment
// function to validate form
Add the following function below the comment
// function to validate form
function validateForm(evt) {
The evt parameter in the parenthesis is referencing the submit event inside the createEventListenrs function.
To trap the submit event and stop the form from submitting add the follow statement and comment to the validateForm function.
// function to validate form
function validateForm(evt) {
evt.preventDefault(); // trap submit event
Now we need to create our custom validation.
Go back to the script.js file and find the following comment:
// Function to check for empty fields
Add the following function below the comment.
// Function to check for empty fields
function validateRequiredInputs() {
Now we need to declare some variables. Add the following variables below the "global variables" comment.
// global Variables
var formValidity = true;
var inputValid = true;
We'll use these to track validity in our functions.
Now let's add the following local variables to our validateRequiredInputs() function.
// Function to check for empty inputs
function validateRequiredInputs() {
var formInputs = document.querySelectorAll("#contactForm input"); // assign all contact inputs
var userMessage = document.querySelector("#userMessage"); // assign message div
var currentInput; // variable for current input
We'll use these variables with our exception handling statements.
We're going to use try/catch exception handling. This allows us to tell the program what to do with empty inputs.
Add the new lines below to your validateRequiredInputs() function.
// Function to check for empty inputs
function validateRequiredInputs() {
var formInputs = document.querySelectorAll("#contactForm input"); // assign all contact inputs
var userMessage = document.querySelector("#userMessage"); // assign message div
var currentInput; // variable for current input
// check for empty inputs
try {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
The try block allows us to set conditions for the input field values. The for statement inside the try block is going to start a loop.
The for loop uses a counter variable: i (stands for index). This allows us to control the number of loops.
Inside the parenthesis of the for loop we have 3 statements. The first declares i as the counter variable. The second tells the loop to continue as long as i is less than 3. The third tells the loop to increment by positive 1.
The formInputs variable contains a node list. The length of this list is 3, but the range is 0-2. So the first input is 0 and the third input is 2. That's why the loop is set to run when i is less then 3.
Now we store the current loop input in currentInput variable and check it's value. Add the new lines below to the for loop block.
// Function to check for empty inputs
function validateRequiredInputs() {
var formInputs = document.querySelectorAll("#contactForm input"); // assign all contact inputs
var userMessage = document.querySelector("#userMessage"); // assign message div
var currentInput; // variable for current input
// check for empty inputs
try {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentInput = formInputs[i]; // current input
// apply border + input validity if empty
if (currentInput.value === "") { = "1.5px solid red"; // apply border
inputValid = false; // progress to throw
The if statement checks the value of the input field for an empty string (no user input). If the field is empty a red border is applied.
Remember the inputValid variable? False will be assigned to inputValid when the field is empty (we'll use this later).
Add the new lines below to the for block.
// Function to check for empty inputs
function validateRequiredInputs() {
var formInputs = document.querySelectorAll("#contactForm input"); // assign all contact inputs
var userMessage = document.querySelector("#userMessage"); // assign message div
var currentInput; // variable for current input
// check for empty inputs
try {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentInput = formInputs[i]; // current input
// apply border + input validity if empty
if (currentInput.value === "") { = "1.5px solid red"; // apply border
inputValid = false; // progress to throw
} else {
// reset Border and Input Validity = "";
inputValid = true;
The else block will remove (or not apply) a border and set (or reset) the inputValid to true.
We need to add a throw statement to the try block. This will create a message that we can display.
Add the new lines below to the try block under the for block.
// Function to check for empty inputs
function validateRequiredInputs() {
var formInputs = document.querySelectorAll("#contactForm input"); // assign all contact inputs
var userMessage = document.querySelector("#userMessage"); // assign message div
var currentInput; // variable for current input
// check for empty inputs
try {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentInput = formInputs[i]; // current input
// apply border + input validity if empty
if (currentInput.value === "") { = "1.5px solid red"; // apply border
inputValid = false; // progress to throw
} else {
// reset Border and Input Validity = "";
inputValid = true;
// throw message if not valid
if (inputValid === false) {
throw "Please fill the outlined fields";
The if statement creates the throw string when the for block assigns "false" to the inputValid variable.
Add the new lines below to the validateRequiredInputs() function under the try block
// Function to check for empty inputs
function validateRequiredInputs() {
var formInputs = document.querySelectorAll("#contactForm input"); // assign all contact inputs
var userMessage = document.querySelector("#userMessage"); // assign message div
var currentInput; // variable for current input
// check for empty inputs
try {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
currentInput = formInputs[i]; // current input
// apply border + input validity if empty
if (currentInput.value === "") { = "1.5px solid red"; // apply border
inputValid = false; // progress to throw
} else {
// reset Border and Input Validity = "";
inputValid = true;
// throw message if not valid
if (inputValid === false) {
throw "Please fill the outlined fields";
// if any input is empty show message
catch(msg) {
We will use the catch block to display a message to the user and set the value of formValidity to false.
The catch statement will grab the message (msg) from the throw string.
Add the lines below to the catch block.
// if any input is empty show message
catch(msg) {
// apply css style = "2px solid red"; = "9px"; = "20px";
// show message
userMessage.textContent = msg;
formValidity = false; // no submit
The userMessage uses the textContent property to add text to the div element at the top of the form
We are adding css style to the div element
Finally we are assigning false to the formValidity variable. This will help us later.
Return to the try block. Add the new else block below just after the if block.
else {
// reset message div
userMessage.textContent = ""; = ""; = ""; = "";
This block will reset (or not apply) the message and the styling for the userMessage div.
Go back to the validateForm function and add the new lines from the following example.
// function to validate form
function validateForm(evt) {
evt.preventDefault(); // trap submit event
formValidity = true; // reset form validity on button click
validateRequiredInputs(); // call function
// if validateRequiredInputs returns formValidity = true
if (formValidity === true) {
document.forms[0].submit(); // submit form
Now we are reseting the formValidity when the user clicks the button. Only the validateRequiredInputs function should set this to false.
Then we are calling the validateRequiredInputs function to check the form inputs.
If the validateRequiredInputs function does not find empty inputs, the formValidity variable will remain true and the form will submit.
For reference